Storefront of Thrift Family Thrift Center

A Love Letter to the Treasures (& Trash) at the Thrift Store

Dear crap at the thrift store,

Black and white photo of author outside entrance of thrift store.

You know that thrifting is more than just my hobby. It’s my obsession.

There’s no greater thrill than the discovery of a dusty relic on the bottom shelf, strewn amongst broken dollar store dishes or piled with reproductions of a similar aesthetic. I LIVE for the moments in which I carefully uncover these treasures, turning them over in my hands to investigate for makers’ marks, running my fingers over the edges to feel for fleabites, peering at the imperfections to determine age or signs of provenance.

I’m giving myself goosebumps just writing this!

There’s something so fun about unearthing handwritten notes or old family photos or newspaper clippings that have been stuck between the pages of books or photo albums. Always take a moment to flip!

While there are certain eras and geographies that I do reserve for my own enjoyment, I also delight in passing along the most special discoveries to those looking for a unique adornment or that final piece missing from their own collection. In fact, it’s a necessity that I keep up with posting these, lest I succumb to a Smaug-like existence, hoarding long-forgotten riches to be enjoyed by no other soul.

My other trick to keep from swiftly becoming the old lady who lived in a shoe (except replace children with thrifted crap), is to take photos of the stuff that I really was sad to say goodbye to. Then, instead of spending money on beautiful vintage velvet armchairs or radios from the early twentieth century, I’ll just write a blog post and move on with my life (wistfully and with great difficulty).

Then there are the items that are less treasure and more…um…ordinary. I mean, I love a good pun, but this stuff does not need to come home with me.

Some things are very easy to leave behind. Like this bizarre seashell-surrounded Last Supper painting (and the other one, about which you can form your own opinions).

While this cross stitch of the Citadel in Halifax haunts my dreams and fills me with daily regret, sometimes it’s a price tag that makes the decision for me. Tell me I’m not alone in refusing to pay $99.99 for anything at a thrift store. (Antique stores? Yes. Etsy? HELLO! But not a thrift store.)

Ceramic Hand Figurine

Thrifted treasures and trash, I’ve got to hand it to you… Sometimes you make it too easy.

xoxo Krista

2 thoughts on “A Love Letter to the Treasures (& Trash) at the Thrift Store

  1. Jennifer Gyuricska

    Seriously lusting after that green chair!

    1. Krista

      Isn’t it stunning? Definitely one of the more difficult ones to leave behind. 🙁

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