Dear Holiday Party Attendees (30 Christmas Convo Starters)

Dear Holiday Party Attendees (30 Christmas Convo Starters)

Dear Stranger, Acquaintance, Co-Worker of my Partner, or Overly-Familiar Caterer,

It’s that magical time of year where we come together to celebrate the joy of the season, to swap cookies, and gifts, and partake in general merriment. The holidays are the BEST — well, they can be the best, but they can also be a time where strangers are forced to exchange awkward, obligatory small talk at various social gatherings.

Most of the time, this small talk is so banal it’s hardly worth a second thought: Where are you from? What do you do? Do you have kids? Do you want kids?

And herein lies the point of this post.

The holidays are intensely focused on families and young children. This can add an additional layer of discomfort to the couples who are experiencing infertility or loss of a pregnancy. Imagine having to answer this question to well-intentioned strangers on repeat all season long. It’s the worst.

By that same token, there are lots of reasons why this time of year can be less than enchanting for individuals. Let’s all make an effort to be respectful of boundaries, and limit our questions to subjects that aren’t overly invasive or personal.

SO! Here is a list of fun, infertilerino-approved holiday party conversation starters that are light, friendly, and have potential to spark further chatter.

Flatlay of Christmas, holiday decor, cookies, pinecones, bells.
  1. What’s a holiday movie that you watch every year?
  2. Real tree or artificial?
  3. Do you have a favourite ornament?
  4. How old were you when you wrote your last (or most recent) letter to Santa?
  5. What would you sing at a Christmas karaoke party?
  6. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
  7. Does your household have a weird or unexpected holiday tradition?
  8. Have you ever tried a roasted chestnut?
  9. Traditional Christmas carols, old-school standards, or contemporary holiday pop?
  10. Can you name all the reindeer? (What about the 7 dwarfs?)
  11. Hot chocolate or eggnog?
  12. Is there a gift that you’ve given that you’re still proud of years later?
  13. Can you say “Merry Christmas” in any other languages?
  14. What town has the best Santa Claus parade?
  15. Do you love or hate cheesy Hallmark movies? How many have you seen so far this year?
  16. Are you making a New Year’s resolution?
  17. Do you keep your resolutions?
  18. Would you eat the moon if it were made of ribs?
  19. What’s your decorating aesthetic? Modern or traditional?
  20. What are you hoping to find in your stocking?
  21. What’s your favourite holiday treat?
  22. Do you play any winter sports?
  23. What neighbourhood has the best Christmas lights?
  24. If someone gives you a terrible gift, are you good at pretending to love it?
  25. Have you ever given a gag gift?
  26. Is there a charity that you always support during the holidays?
  27. Do you travel or do you prefer to stay home for Christmas?
  28. Do you know any Christmas themed jokes?
  29. What is your favourite memory from the past year?
  30. What do you most look forward to for the new year?

Happy chatting!

xoxo Krista

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